

It would seem that first edition of the „Heart of the Earth” Medal took place so recently. During the ceremony we rewarded great people and great institutions. Time is running relentlessly fast. Every day many people wake up with the aim of helping their neighbors. World Organization Koluchstyl is reaching out to those whose thoughts and daily duties are aimed at helping and serving others and our wonderful planet Earth.

This year, the second edition of the awarding ceremony „Heart of the Earth” Medal will take place on November 25th, also in the „Dwor Czarneckiego” (Kolonia Porosly 54A, near Bialystok) .The criteria for nominating laureates have not changed. However, awareness of the importance of this event has changed. More and more people in the world know the validity of this prestigious award due to the fact that World Organization Koluchstyl is being represented in 50 countries and every month our great international family grows.

This year,  the Council have changed a bit. Unfortunately, with great regret we said goodbye to prof . Gennady Arziutova from Ukraine, whose death was a great loss among the world martial arts. World Organization Koluchstyl appointed two additional new members of the Council – Ali Akbar Haitau from Indonesia and Fr. Thomas Szugalski. The members of the Council are already working on the appointement of „The Magnificent Seven”, who will be awarded the „Heart of the Earth” Medal.


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